The decision to study environmental science underlines your passion for matters environmental. At present, clearing of native vegetation in several states is a formidable threat to the future well-being of Australia's natural environment. The discussion below puts the state of deforestation in context by exploring the risks posed, possible remedies for these risks and the potential reward(s) associated with the possible remedies.
The Facts
In the recent past, Australia has been ranked among countries that have the highest land clearing rates in the world. Recent research has revealed that New South Wales and Queensland are two of the most adversely affected with 80% of land clearing activities in Australia being carried out in the two state territories. The grim statistics paint a blurred picture of the future of native vegetation in the two states. The dwindling population of native birds in Australia is among the most significant risks brought about by the rapid clearing of native trees and vegetation. If things don't begin to change, future generations might not know what it's like to have a handful of Kookaburras feeding from the palms of their hands or making the most out of bird baths conveniently placed in the backyard.
The Remedy
Saving the Kookaburra and other bird species will take aggressive bush regeneration campaigns at both state and national level. As an environmentalist and a patriot, you're obliged to have an active role in bush regeneration activities within your locality. The bush regeneration volunteering program spearheaded by the Department of Wildlife and Conservation in NSW is a good example of the campaigns referred to above. Coordinated by the National Parks and Wildlife service, this campaign seeks to bring back the green in various national parks and conservation reserves. You can find more information on the program online. As state agencies spearhead bush regeneration campaigns, you should also have a role in making Australia green again. For example, you could choose to report/speak out against cases where native vegetation is cleared illegally instead of keeping quiet.
The Reward
The ultimate reward for active/passive engagement in bush regeneration activities is that you'll have made a significant contribution to Australia's 'green future'. A more tangible reward is that such engagement presents the opportunity to apply the knowledge you've gained in class in real-life scenarios. There will also be potential impact that such engagement could have on your CV once you're done studying the science of the environment. Get involved!